Lusa Snowsports recommended private Ski lessons Sierra Nevada.
Spanish, Portuguese, English and French languages.
From: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Find your level

Level: A B C D E
A – You have never skied before or
you have skied before but cannot yet ski confidently on a gentle green run using snowplough turns.
you have skied before but cannot yet ski confidently on a gentle green run using snowplough turns.
B – You can make confident snowplough turns on a gentle green run and you can use easy ski lifts (button lifts or magic carpet/travellator lifts).
C – You make fully parallel turns on green and perhaps blue runs and you can ski all blue runs confidently.
D – You can make linked dynamic parallel turns of varying radius and you ski confidently and in control on blue and red runs.
E – You can make carved turns on easier runs
and you ou can make dynamic short and long radius turns on all runs and you can ski black runs in control and you are beginning to ski off-piste, steeps and bumps.
and you ou can make dynamic short and long radius turns on all runs and you can ski black runs in control and you are beginning to ski off-piste, steeps and bumps.

Level: A B C D E
A- A total beginner or you want to start again. Taking a lesson is by far the best way to begin your snowboarding experience. We’ll give you the basic skills ensuring learning is fun and confidence is built.
Maybe you’ve done a little before, are able to slide on both edges, but are not yet turning from one to another.
B – You are able to do basic turns in both directions, heelside and toeside, on green and easy blue runs although you may find one easier than the other. Now you’re able to link turns a little encouragement & technical input goes a long way in progressing your snowboarding. We will help you build on those basic skills and start exploring the mountain.
C – You are happy linking turns on most runs both consistantly and confidently, although sometimes coming into difficulty on steeps or challenging snow conditions. You wish to ride the whole mountain and find new challenges. We’ll give you the techniques to make your riding more dynamic, start carving your board, learn a few tricks and even take you off piste.
D – You are an experienced snowboarder, competent riding the whole mountain, in almost all snow conditions and terrain types. Even if you’re content with what you’re riding, a session with an top level instructor can help you enjoy it even more … and chances are you’ll find out there’s still plenty left in the tank. It’s time to increase your performance, dominate the mountain, master new tricks and venture further off piste.
E – You are a seasoned snowboarder who has an extensive experience off piste and / or in the snowpark. You can ride any terrain and make it look good. Join a program for riding steep & deep terrain, or finding how 3 feet out of a pipe can be 10 with a bit of coaching.

Ski & Snowboard School

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